First name
    Last name

    City & Country & Sports Club:

    Accomodation start date:

    Accomodation end date:

    Total number of persons:

    Choose a Hotel type

    Please choose the number of rooms according to the room type below

    Number of single room (breakfast included):

    ***  3stars price:110€/night/person
    **** 4stars price:130€/night/person

    Number of double room (breakfast included):

    ***  3stars price: 85€/night/person
    **** 4stars price:100€/night/person

    Message (if the request is for more than 1 person, please write the full names of the persons here)

    Please keep in mind that by using this reservation application, you will be responsible for paying the amount corresponding to the number of persons and rooms reserved.
    For compliance with the above, you will receive payment details for the requested services, which you will have to pay within 48 hours. If you do not pay within the mentioned term, the reservation is automatically cancelled